New American Champion!!

We at Cairnisle are so pleased to announce that Dallas (Gch Cairnisles Sharp Dressed Man) Is now an American Champion.  We went to Ann Arbor Michigan  March 8-10  where Dallas picked up his second 5 point major on Saturday, and his third 5 point Major on Sunday as well as Best of Breed  over 80 Cairn Terriers including Specials from the Bred By class. We are so proud of Dallas, and plan to take him out the rest of this year as well to see if we can capture #1 Cairn in Canada for a second time!


2018 was a quiet year for Dallas. We took a break from the show ring for him, and focused instead on Nike, (Cairnisle Runs With Wolves).  Nike did not disappoint. his first show in 2018, Nike went Best of Breed at the AKC winter classic second day in, and Winners Dog the third day. All in all we finished Nike in 3 weekends, and he now  has his Canadian Championship.
we did make one weekend exception for Dallas in 2018, and that was for the AKC Summer Classic. Dallas was entered into the CTCC regional show under Breeder Judge Margaret Jones, and won Best of Breed at this Specialty. Dallas still had his Mojo!

Stupid things dogs do to the people who love them

October 10, 2014
A couple of months ago, we almost lost Dallas.  Scare from hell.  Woke up  in the morning and let Dallas and Maddie ( our new baby) out from the ir crates.  They ran to the kitchen knowing it was breakfast time.  Dallas as always wolfed down his food, and instantly went into spasms.  I knew instantly this was a bad thing as he was crying and trying to hide from the pain.  

I called the Vet, rushed him in, and they did all sorts of tests, but could see nothing wrong, I left him there  all day, they gave him anti nausea drugs and he seemed to be feeling a bit better.  He came home  lay around all evening clearly uncomfortable.

The next morning my Beautiful boy would not eat or drink and was in serious pain again.  Back to the vets.  They were only open till noon, so she sent me to the emergency vets were we tested him for all sorts of stuff.  Of course he had to stay there overnight.  Sunday he appeared to be doing better again and we took him for a walk, but he was still not eating or drinking but living off an IV.  The vet in charge  felt he had turned the corner of whatever was wrong and we would probably be able to take him home that evening, but he still was not eating or drinking.

So off home we went and we were going to visit him again that evening and on our way the clinic  called, he had taken a turn for the worse again and they re-x rayed him and saw something in his upper intestinal tract, they were going in to remove it..FINALLY I thought, so we went to see him first  give him hugs and cuddles and love him up a bit before he went for surgery.  

We got a call 3/4 of an hour later that he was out of surgery and had swallowed a huge "something, we don't know what it is" but it was rubber and round. it was apparently quite large, and how he swallowed it was a mystery, but he did.  Stupid Dog!!!..

I now have a hefty vet bill to pay but I have my dog back, safe and sound and full of vim and vigor again.

I have to admit being less than pleased with the vets who told me afterwards, "we could feel something but not see it in the x-ray".  If you can feel something, remove it for gods sake.. My poor by suffered 3 days with no food and water to drink, because they were to scared to open him up.  Seems to me there is too much of this " cover my ass" thing going around. I had wanted them to open him up the first day already I knew it was some sort of blockage, why wait?  In the end he almost died because of where it was located they would not have been able to resection the bowel if it had burst or was to damaged to repair. 

I am thankful I still have my boy, but I think I will be way more forceful from now on when it comes to my dogs and treatment.


Dallas is New Champion

August 5, 2014
We had a great weekend, as always, at the AKC shows at the beautiful Spruce Meadows facility in Calgary Alberta. If any of you have not been there you should give it a try sometime, the yards are landscaped wo precisely, all the grounds are level, no tripping over hills or holes as many sites fall prey to.

Anyhow I digress, this is about Dallas today.  I would love to introduce  CanCh Cairnisles Sharp Dressed Man who finished his Canadian Ch under Judge Jack Ireland

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Dallas's First dog show

November 7, 2013
Great weekend for Dallas, his first show and Dallas won Best of winners for 2 points. This  boy gave me all he had, and showed like a trooper.  The second day we were blindsided by a snowstorm and the competition could not make it to Red Deer, so no points that day.  So we waited for the snow to stop and headed home.

After white knuckling it all the way home, we finally made it safely  and unpacked and relaxed for a bit.

I swear I did not leave Dallas unattended  for too long and by the time I ...
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Dallas... Puppy from Hell

October 18, 2013
Ok Dott left me with a very naughty boy. He has figured out chairs, and that they can be used for more then just laying on and as tools for his nefarious deeds. No longer satisfied with jumping on them he now pushes them around to do his bidding...

Pushes chair to counter jumps on counter. (this we did not see, but we found foot prints on the counter, so it is factual, as to him having any conversations with said chair, this is fiction, lol.)  Pushing  chair to table, jumps up and l...

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Tia wins a sweepstake

August 5, 2013
Happy to announce that Tia won the CTCC juvenile sweepstake this weekend.  She also Picked up a Select Bitch at the All Terrier  Club of Alberta dog show, and a Best Opposite sex today under Judge Jon Cole.  All in all we had a great weekend with  great suppers after both specialties  great suppers after both specialties.  I am letting Tia grow up now and come December I shall be bringing out ( hopefully if all turns out well)  my new male puppy Dallas. 

Pictured is Sweepstake Judge Marg Pring...
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Just a few updates

January 19, 2013
Got the phone call yesterday, Pippen had won Winners Bitch and best Opposite sex in Portland, Oregon, for 2 points and the Judge  Peggy Beisel McCalwaine  wanted to use her in the judges study today, so I gave the handler permission to use her.  I am very proud they thought her worthy to use in their study group.

As well on the home front.  Tia, Pippen's Pup, won Best of Breed in the shows here  in Calgary as well as  best puppy in Group. She needs one more point for her Canadian championship....
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Lower mainland Dog Fancier show, Abbotsford 2012

November 3, 2012
 This is fast becoming my favorite show to go to. no matter win or lose I have a  lot of fun, and the Shopping!!!  Again this year we had a great time, with the Cairn Terrier National and a Terrier  Specialty both being held on the same weekend. I took Pippen and her 6 month old daughter along with me.  This was Tias First time in the ring and with only 2 handling classes under her she KICKED ASS!  
 On Thursday at the BC All Terrier Specialty,  under the skillful guidance of Joan Blackstaffe...

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Fall Plans

July 17, 2012
Well its July now, summer shows are in full swing but I have taken the year off to have pups.  Pippen had 6 wonderful healthy puppies, and all have gone to their new homes now.  They are all wonderful homes and I wish all the new owners all the best in the world.  I have kept 2 pups back for show, one called Hobbes ( Cairnisles Mr Hobbes ) and the one I am keeping is called Tia. ( Cairnisles Suits me to a T)  Hobbes has been sold to a gentleman in Winnipeg Manitoba as a show potential, ...
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Pippen had her Babies

April 12, 2012
We are so pleased to announce Pippen has had her Babies!..She had 6 babies in total, 4 girls and 2 boys, all are healthy and doing great.  I will update as they grow older for Pictures go to the puppy page and see the new pics.

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Pippen is going to have puppies!!

February 12, 2012
YAY!!  We bred Pippen this week and we are now expecting puppies April 12.  She has been bred to Ch. Quarrydene Victory By Day.  Indy, has produced over 19 Ch. Puppies already, and we are hoping to add to that number. He is known for the quality of pups he produces.  We are so pleased we have been able to breed Pippen to him, and add his distinct look to our own lines here....
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